Friday 26 August 2011

Cranbourne Shire Rate Books 1863-1950

Clyde Property Owners are listed in the Cranbourne Shire Rate Books.

Some guidance is offered below on how to understand the Shire Rate Books.

A. Location of Cranbourne Shire Rate Books
Copies of the Cranbourne Shire Rates are found ONLY at the following libraries. Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Pakenham
Researchers need to have a Casey Cardinia Library card and make a booking for use of computer and Cranbourne Rate Books. (It is not essential to live in the area in order to obtain a library card)

B. Rate Books and Parish/Riding Names

The Cranbourne Shire Rate books cover the period of 1863-1950

The Shire was divided into Ridings (Wards) and given the following names. 

Cranbourne Township
Cranbourne Parish

Sherwood Parish
Cranbourne Parish
   -mostly Clyde farmers from the Grices Road down to Ballarto Road

Sherwood Parish
    -Tooradin area that included Clyde, from Manks Road  up to Ballarto Road

There doesn't seem to be a discernable consistant pattern in the order of listing the parishes. Generally Cranbourne township came first followed by Clyde North in the Cranbourne Parish. Sometimes Clyde in Sherwood was following and other times it was way down the list

C. Clyde straddled two Wards/Ridings/Parishes
The secret to searching the Rate Books is to know the names of Ridings/Wards where your ancestors once lived. Some Clyde people were listed in the Cranbourne Parish (north of Ballarto Rd) and the others in the Sherwood Parish (south of Ballarto Road)

D. Clyde's first land sales and designated property numbers.
Clyde history began with the sale of land formerly used by Alexander Cameron. It was subdivided into blocks and many were initially one mile square. 
In Clyde each were identified by a Crown Allottment Number beginning at No 28 up No 72. Property No 69 was divided again and known as 69B, (69)C, (69)D, (69)E, (69)F, (69)H. Sometimes it was  just referred to as H or D depending on the block.
These properties were north of Ballarto Road.
Have a look at First Land Buyers list that gives the crown allotment number for each buyer

E: Cranbourne Shire Map 1937  accessed via the Clyde History website clearly shows Crown Allotment numbers.

F. Sherwood properties are south of Ballarto Road
Clyde properties in the Sherwood Riding had the following numbers
From Fisheries Rd (Clyde Berwick Rd) to Muddy Gates Lane north of Manks Road: 3,4,7 to 19
From Muddy Gates Lane to Tooradin Station Road north of Manks Road: 57 to 64
South side of Manks Road from South Gippsland Highway to Muddy Gates Lane: 47 to 56

F: Bailey Estate Subdivision -South of Ballarto Road
Sometime in the 1900-1920 period the former Bakewell owned land was subdivided.  The editor is on the search for the Bailey Estate Map which is located in the Land Titles office, Melbourne. Roads named as a result of this subdivision are Derricks and Beechers. 

G. "A Clyde History", 1978,  by John Campbell lists the names of most property owners in Clyde. This information is now available on line " Who lived on your land?" and deals with the area from the north side of Ballarto Road until Grices Road.

You can now  download these lists and take to the library when you are researching Clyde properties in the Cranbourne Rate Books.