Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Maps Online - Old and New

Original Parish maps are available showing who bought the land following the first land subdivisions.

Additions to the maps suggest that as original blocks were resubdivided new owner's names were added. Could this explain why some additions are dated in the 1900's?

A: Current Aerial Photo Maps
NearMaps Australian aerial photomap company. You will need to register and pay a fee to see their work. Photos are wonderfully clear. A strong feature of this company is that all previous photos are kept on line and Clyde can be viewed as far back as 2009. Enjoy!

B: 1885 Clyde - North of Ballarto Road as a part of the Cranbourne County of Mornington
MAP RM 2596.Cranbourne Map -showing Clyde.

C: 1926 Sherwood - Clyde - South of Ballarto Road and Tooradin
Victoria. Dept. of Crown Lands and Survey.
Sherwood, County of Mornington [cartographic material]
1926. MAP RM 2741/433

D: 1890 Map of Cranbourne town
Victoria. Dept. of Crown Lands and Survey.

Township of Cranbourne, Parish of Cranbourne, County of Mornington [cartographic material]

1890. MAP RM 2740/7.

E: Map showing First Land Owners
: date of purchase, size of property and address
First Land Owners

F: Further reading .....More Historical maps can be viewed via the Clyde History website on the following page.
G: Clyde's History portrayed in four maps - a PowerPoint slide presentation
History Maps: Power Point Version 2010